I’m finally trying to do something with my site. Rather than clearing out the cobwebs, I figured I’d just tear the whole damned thing down and start from scratch.
I’m hoping WordPress will make updates a little more frequent and keep me from disappearing from the planet for years at a time. Please stay tuned!
[Photo by Staci Peters-Fogarty]
yeah, well…. you and i both disappear from the interveb for years at a time.. then come back and SWEAR we won’t do it again…. and then two years later we’re saying we’re back and it just turns into a bad repetition after that.
hope you’re doing well!
love always,
— D.
I know! Look! It’s yet another journal-blog-diary-whateverthefookyouwannacallit thing I won’t update for years at a time! Whee!
Wow! It’s about time ;-)